Rishi moon space mission
Rishi moon space mission

Legends note There was also something about a bunch of Imperial superweapons and clones of Palpatine being made here, but that's largely irrelvant to this canon. Once Palpatine found it, he corrupted it and Byss's Force properties went From Bad to Worse (as in, life couldn't develop properly, so Byss was reduced to a near-wasteland), while settling the world for immigrants at the same time, also making the world on heavy surveillance and protection from the Empire.

rishi moon space mission rishi moon space mission

  • Schrödinger's Canon: It's a mythical paradisaical world that is also a hotspot for the dark side.
  • rishi moon space mission

  • The Name's The Same: Not to be confused with the Outer Rim world of Byss, which is the homeworld of the Abyssin species.

  • Rishi moon space mission